October 20, 2008


I don't remember ever seeing this guy in the movies, but this is apparently a pic of Lord Elrond's advisor, Erestor. Those of you who have read any of the Tolkien books probably know who he is. Those of you who've only seen the movies, I don't know what to tell you. You'll just have to read the books. Enjoy the pic.


This is a pic I found when looking for pics of Glorfindel. I'm assuming that this is Glorfindel and that he was in the movies. If anyone can tell me otherwise, I would greatly appreciate it. Enjoy.

October 19, 2008


The pic on the far right is one someone drew of what Thranduil, Legolas' father, supposedly looks like. Since I couldn't find any pics of him from the any of the LOTR movies I decided to use a pic from the 1970's version of The Hobbit for comparison. I personally think the one on the far right is more realistic to how he looks. I really don't think Legolas would look the way he does if his father really looked like the cartoon. But that's my opinion. Feel free to tell me what you think.

Elladan & Elrohir

This is a pic of Lord Elrond's son's Elladan and Elrohir that I found on photobucket. I've never seen how they're supposed to look since they don't make any appearances in the movies that I know of, so I'm just gonna assume that this is as close a likeness as they could get to the real thing. If anyone can say different then feel free. And if you can point me in the direction of a site that has their pics, please do so. But I still hope you enjoy the pic.

October 18, 2008

The Two Towers

This is yet another pic from the second LOTR movie. I believe this is from the scene where Aragorn and the others are riding for Edoras. And I'm not quite sure I spelled Edoras right. If you can correct me than feel free. I hate it when I mispell something.

Helms Deep

This is a pic of one of my favorite scenes from The Two Towers. This is a scene from the morning after the battle at Helms Deep. I just love how every time there's a battle Gimli and Legolas have a little competition to see who can kill the most enemy soldiers. Those two are such children when it comes to battles. Don't you agree?

The Fellowship

This is a pick of the fellowship from when they're in Rivendel. This particular scene is when members of all the different races on middle earth pledge their loyalty to Frodo as the ring bearer during the council Elrond had called. Those of you who are true LOTR fans should appreciate this tribute to the fellowships beginning.


Hey everyone. sorry it's been so long since I last updated. Things have been a little hectic lately. And to show you how truly sorry I am, I'm going to be posting several pics right now. And again, I'm really sorry.